Saturday, January 31, 2015

Vein of Gold

"All actors have a certain territory, a certain range, they are born to play. I call that range their 'vein of gold.' If you cast an actor within that vein, he will always give you a brilliant performance." -Martin Ritt

I think of it as the creative flow. The space where you feel yourself moving with the ocean in harmony and equilibrium.  Effortlessly, yet doing the real work of the heart. 

But the mountain that bleeds gold in its veins also carries something that required breakage.  Breaking to open the flow. To find the flow.  This reminds me of a form of pottery I attached to nearly a year ago: kintsukuroi.  

The veins of gold are not unlike the fusion between broken parts of pottery.  The place where several things came back together to form something newer, stronger, and perhaps in my own assumptions, closer to its true form. Perhaps finding my vein of gold will help me embrace a deeper relationship with my real self.

More to the point, it is in those broken spaces that I will find my vein of gold flowing, alive, ready to be seen.

"I feel that Art is a way for each of us to discover your intuitive power and source of inspiration. It can provide a basis for understanding our own humanity and that responsible role we have as caretakers of the natural world." -Richard Newman

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