Monday, June 30, 2014


I have been at a loss as to what to write about this week.  I think I have been working between a number of tensions that reflect aspects of the season.  One of the biggest is the balance between release and constriction.  I have been reflecting on the necessity of both of these and realize now that my focus has been on holding in, protecting, and building energy and heat in my body. So focused, in fact, that the ability to enjoy, let go, and release have been, sadly, ignored.  The joy of blooming and dispersing all of that heat and energy that I worked so hard to build has been pushed aside. In some ways it is the result of my fear of slipping into old spaces and places. In other ways, I fear it will sidetrack me from the real work I need to do.  Yet, I'm seeing now how essential that is to the creative process. Its importance to transformation.  And it is probably why I have been experiencing blockage and anxiety about how much I want and need to do. 

  • to set someone or something free
  • to stop holding someone or something
  • to allow a substance to enter the air, water, soil, etc.
  • to become narrower, small, tighter
  • to prevent or keep from developing freely
  • to hold tight and contain the soil, water, air, etc.

REDwoods: When I think of release, I think of the beautiful and expansive branches of the redwood. The way the sunlight sneaks in between the foliage, letting in just the right amount of light.  I can look up and up forever into those branches and never see everything.  Yet, those beautiful branches flourish because of the deep roots that hold tight, constrict, and find nourishment and vitality in the ground. They burrow deeply and expand proudly. But there is no shame, no hesitation to let go, release. They find a beautiful balance between release and constriction.

Ocean Waves:  When I think of release, I think of the ocean. The waves pushing and pulling their way through the sand.  They succumb to the tide.  Powerful as it it, they surrender with purpose.  The tide is this awesome balance between release and constriction.  The waves let go and penetrate the sand as the water makes its way closer to the coastline.  Then it pulls back and draws back into the deeper ocean water.   The waves pull back with them sand, sea life, and even garbage.  Then they return to the coast,  releasing sand, sea life, and garbage. But it's never quite the same as it was.  It transforms.

It transforms.

It transforms.

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